Polygon NFTs usually take just a few minutes to mint. Typically, all Ethereum NFTs should be minted within 24 hours. Our machine learning model mints Ethereum NFTs when gas fees are lowest within a 24-hour period. However, if gas fees surge far beyond typical levels, then orders made on the Ethereum network may take longer than 24 hours. If your Ethereum NFT is still pending after 72 hours, please email us at support@nftgoapp.com. Also, please make sure you have the newest version of NFT GO.
You’re likely referring to this error:
Some collections are highly competitive, as thousands of users are trying to buy the same NFTs at the same time. If two users click the same NFT within a fraction of a second of one another, the system may temporarily lose sync and try to fill both orders. However, since the NFTs are unique 1 of 1 copies, only one user will get the NFT. If you purchased an NFT from a collection, please wait at least 24 hours for it to show up on OpenSea. If after 24 hours you still get a 404 error, please email us at support@nftgoapp.com for a full credit of your gems. We understand this is very frustrating, and have been working hard to minimize this. This is not an NFT GO specific issue; even on websites during popular mints, many users report having syncing issues due to the high volume. However, if this issue occurs on NFT GO, you will never lose out on your gems, as our support team will be more than happy to credit you.
If you minted your own NFT and you get a 404 broken link, it may be that you entered an invalid address in the “Receiving wallet” field, or that you submitted an image larger than the 100MB maximum file size, or in a format that is not supported. Please email us at support@nftgoapp.com for assistance. Please include your NFT GO wallet address as well as the name of the NFT in question in order for us to process your ticket.
You are likely referring to this error message on MetaMask:
This occurs because you are using the MetaMask mobile app, which does not currently support Polygon NFTs. Please refer to the “Transferring my NFTs” section of the Help Center for step by step instructions on transferring your NFT GO wallet.
When you created your NFT GO wallet, you were provided a 12-word passphrase that you were told to store securely, as it can retrieve your account.
If you have this passphrase, then simply delete and reinstall NFT GO, and on setup, it’ll ask if you have a wallet you’d like to import. Select “Import Wallet” and paste in the 12-word passphrase, and this will resolve the private key copying issue.
*This issue has been resolved for all new installs, and only affects a small handful of users.
If you did not save the 12-word passphrase, email us at support@nftgoapp.com so we can assist you.
If you imported another wallet into NFT GO when first setting up your NFT GO account, you will be able to copy your Private Key and 12 word passphrase only if you initially imported the wallet using the 12-word passphrase.
If you imported a wallet into NFT GO using the Private Key, NFT GO does not have access to the 12-word passphrase for the wallet, so if you try to copy the 12 word passphrase you will get a message saying this account is imported and to check with the original source.
You may have temporarily lost connection during the transaction. Please email us at support@nftgoapp.com. Include your wallet address and an App Store receipt showing your purchase in order for us to process your request.
You may have temporarily lost connection during the transaction. All purchases are handled by Apple’s IAP system. Please email us at support@nftgoapp.com. Please include your wallet address and an App Store receipt showing your purchase in order for us to process your request.